Tour Dates
Getting the Band: Hoobastank!
All Markku
All Doug
All Chris
All Dan
Songs/ Videos/ Tabs/Misc.
Huh? What? I'm CONFUSED FAQ!!!
Hoobastank Pictures to Enjoy!
All things: All lyrics
Lyrics Continued
Articles that Will Rock on Forever/ Online Articles
Art Work From The Hoobastank Fans
Danny Boy the Super MAN!
Carl Rocks!
Old Up Dates
Thanking the Peeps
Art Work From The Hoobastank Fans

Art work inspired by Hoobastank fans

just a lil poem a wrote for/about the band. thanx dudes u inspire me.

The stars shoot vertical
Watched by the many intrigued
Forming a figure
A sign showing infinity

A melody plays above
Gathering the millions to hear
Direct and dedicated
The crowds of people cheer

They all take a piece
Sharing out the dreams
Light shines on their faces
Not like it once had been

The melody plays above
The stars reach down
Pulling up the millions
Who are deep in the sound

Choosing them to be apart
Of what they wanted to be
Sharing the smiles
Completing what they need

thanx for your time.

love Nattie

Nat's Art
Done by Nattie

Done by Helen

This picture was done by Brien O.

Done by Helen

If you have any art work of Hoobastank or inspired by them send me a link or an attachment to Princesskitty30@hotmail.com